- 2004:
Radboud University Nijmegen
M.A. Cultural Anthropology, specialization Pacific Studies
‘Painting Authenticity’ – Aboriginal art and knowledge in an intercultural
space (Warmun, Western Australia)
Topics in thesis: museum representation,
culture making through art, local knowledge, indigenous education, art and globalization.
Academic experience
Sept. 2002 – Jan. 2003:
Fieldwork research (participant observation)
in Warmun Aboriginal Community, Western Australia.
Jan. 2003:
Participation in symposium
‘True stories, art of the East Kimberley’ at the Art Gallery of New
South Wales, Sydney.
Jan. 2003:
Archival and library research at
AIATSIS and National Library in Canberra (the latter also purchased my thesis).
Dec. 2003:
Presentation of my research
at the WDO symposium Facing Fieldwork: Challenges for Anthropology in a Globalizing World (Leiden).
Presentation of my research at Nijmeegs
Museum of Ethnology (Nijmegen)
1998 – 2003:
Editor of Cultus, magazine
for anthropology students.
Contribution of anthropological articles
Non-Academic experience
1998 – present:
Freelance journalist
April 2006 - July 2006
Voluntary work at Kayili Artists, Patjarr, Gibson Desert, W.A.
Patjarr is a tiny, extremely remote Aboriginal community in the Gibson Desert.
My work consisted of developing a new website for the art centre (, preparing the boards for the artists, helping them out, transcribing stories, and other general art
centre work.
November 2004 - August 2005:
Aboriginal Art Museum, Utrecht
Recording works of art and
updating the museum’s database (working with Adlib); translating texts about the artworks from English into Dutch. Part of the job also consisted of working in the museum’s depot and writing descriptions of objects.
May 2005:
Organizing lectures and workshops for a Native Canadian (Cree) artist to inform the Dutch
public about Cree culture.
Sept. 2002 - Jan. 2003
Volunteering at Warmun Art Centre, Warmun, Western Australia.
Taking care of needs of artists, transcribing artworks' stories, preparing paintings
for transport, welcoming visitors.